Thursday, January 31, 2013


Yesterday was my 35 week mark. I now have about 35 days (give or take) to go! The past couple of weeks have really slowed down a lot and I'm glad because for a while things were moving waaaay too quickly.

We have been busy preparing for the baby. The nursery is almost finished, just a few things left to hang on the wall. I understand it's a little silly to put so much focus into getting the nursery ready since the baby will sleep in our room for at least the first few months, but I love getting the room ready! All the blankets, burp cloths and cute little baby clothes have been washed and put away. I also have an infant car seat in my car! That just seems so crazy to me! It came in a couple of weeks ago and after pestering Josh to install it so we can make sure it would fit, he installed it and LEFT IT IN! He said it was close enough :) We bought a Britax B-Safe and I absolutely love it! It was a little more expensive than some of the other car seats we looked at, but it has a lot of great features and I'm so happy we splurged a little to get it. I was able to use a coupon and buy it on sale so I did save some. There's still a few more things we need to get, but ultimately we have most of the major stuff and we're pretty prepared for this little one's arrival.

I've also been cooking meals for the freezer for after the baby comes and I don't feel like cooking. I have several batches of homemade spaghetti sauce, Mexican rise, several batches of muffins, 7 meals ready to be "dumped" into the CrockPot, 2 frozen homemade chicken pot pies, and lots of other random odds and ends. I'm hoping all of this will keep us from getting take out whenever the baby gets here, I'm planning on fixing a few more things if I feel up to it.

How Far Along: 35 weeks, 1 day

Due date: March 6th

Gender: No idea!

Names: Not sharing until we are 100% sure- we're about 99.5% sure now!

Weight Gain: 24 pounds-after a big growth for a few weeks, my weight gain has slowed to about 1/2 a pound a week. I think things are evening out.

Maternity clothes: I have a decent sized maternity wardrobe that I wear around, if you drop by my house unexpectedly I promise you will find me in pajamas :)

Stretch Marks: Yes :(

Sleep: Sleep is becoming more of an issue. I wake up a lot and it's hard for me to get comfortable. I'm feeling a little more tired than I was, but it's nothing too bad.

Movement: The baby is still moving a lot. My midwife checked the baby's position the other day and the baby is head down. She was listening to the heartbeat on the doppler and the baby got the hiccups--it was so awesome to feel and hear the baby hiccuping at the same time!

Missing anything: Sitting comfortably at a table, my belly is making it a lot harder.

Food cravings: Nothing really.

Food Aversions: No food aversions!

Symptoms: Nothing new!

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